Committee on Science

General Provisions

The Committee on Science of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE) (hereinafter — ICIE) is established to ensure international scientific and technological cooperation and international integration in the fields of scientific research and development. The Committee also focuses on developing and creating a system for utilizing the scientific and innovative potential of ICIE in the interests of supporting and improving the scientific activities of its members.

As a collective member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), which unites thousands of leading scientists, doctors of sciences, and research institutes, ICIE collaborates with the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign academies of sciences, scientific organizations, public associations, and higher educational institutions. The Committee works on establishing constructive dialogue between the business community and the international integration efforts of friendly foreign states, particularly within the framework of the BRICS intergovernmental union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Union.

Main Goals and Objectives of the Committee

The Committee is a permanent working body focused on the development of innovative entrepreneurship and attracting investments into the scientific and technical sector.

The main goal of the Committee is to develop a system for the cooperation between science and business, expanding business innovation activities, and increasing economic efficiency.

ICIE concentrates its activities on the basic goals of developing and ensuring diversified economic connections, addressing the challenging issues of our time, strengthening the effective economic space based on high technologies, and leveraging the intellectual and scientific potential of the Congress’s members. It focuses on the development of the contract system for organizing scientific research and development and encouraging entrepreneurs to produce new types of knowledge-intensive products.

The Committee provides assistance in the development and regulation of international scientific and technical cooperation and integration.

The creation of economic, organizational, and legal conditions to stimulate scientific and innovative activities, increasing entrepreneurs' interest in utilizing the latest scientific achievements and technologies.

Establishing constructive dialogue between scientific and educational organizations and the business community.

The Committee operates in accordance with the Regulations approved by the President of ICIE.

Committee Leadership

The Committee is headed by a Chairman, who is appointed and dismissed by the order of the President of ICIE.

Can have deputies for scientific and organizational work.
Chairman of the Committee
Trunov Igor Leonidovich
Professor, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences

  • Academician, Member of the Presidium, Head of the Law Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).
  • Academician of the Serbian Academy of Sciences.
  • Vice-President of the International Union of Lawyers.
  • President of the Union of Lawyers of Russia.
  • Full Member of the International Society for Comparative Law.
  • Member of the Governing Board of the Russian Institute of Electoral Law since April 2006.
  • Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of the Food Industry.
  • Author of over 550 scientific works, including monographs, professional commentaries, textbooks, and methodological guides for universities, as well as scientific articles.
  • With over 17 years of teaching experience.
  • Speaks English, French, and Spanish.
  • Married with five children.


If you have any questions, you can contact us by email or fill out the form on our website.

127051, Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Sukharevsky Lane, 26