On March 27, 2008 the Presidium of the ICIE Council made a decision to correct the Conception of ICIE development, which had been approved during the ICIE Council’s session in Yerevan in 2002, due to the complicated political and economic global situation, world economy setup change, caused by the rapid formation of the world market of goods, finances and service on the basis of publicly available information space, operating in a real-time mode under the conditions of globalization.
Main goals of the Congress’ work are:
– to consolidate efforts of national public organizations of industrialists, entrepreneurs and commodity producers from countries- members of the Congress, to achieve economic policy, which stimulates the growth of industrial and business activity, establish various mutually beneficial economic ties on the Eurasian economic space.
– to render assistance to the unions of industrialists and entrepreneurs, which are members of the Congress, in economic and social development of countries they represent.
– to provide a creation of the common efficient economic space on the basis of combining pecuniary and intellectual potential of different countries.
– to coordinate the activity of members of the Congress and interested partnership organizations on establishing and functioning of efficient mechanism and instruments of mutually beneficial business cooperation.
– to provide assistance in creation of conditions for business activity and initiative in the sphere of bilateral and multilateral business cooperation.
– to assist within the competence of the Congress in establishment and development of organizations (enterprises) of various patterns of ownership and management among national unions of the Congress primarily, in adaptation to market economy, production and commerce activity, in expanding of its international contacts and implementation of specific business projects and programs.
The program of the International Congress of Industrialist and Entrepreneurs announced in 2004 on Bucharest Economic Forum- the Permanent Forum “West – East: integration and development”, urged to be the main platform for efficient dialog between business and scientific circles, representatives of authority from the Western and Eastern countries, remains as the paradigm (ideology) of ICIE conceptual development as well as the perspective tool for discovering the progressive approaches for expanding of integration processes, activation of international economic cooperation and specialization. The program is supposed to get a more large-scale content, extension of the number of its members and active implementation according to the specific plan.
Such approach presumes the correlation of this basic program “Dialog West-East” and ongoing and planned programs of ICIE Committees and Commissions: investment and consulting, transport and logistics, information and marketing, coordination of inter-branch projects’ implementation, commercialization and passing of high technologies, image program “XXI century Leaders” etc. A close cooperation between ICIE and Organizing Committee “East- West: integration and development” is implicated.
The EU enlargement, a significant differentiation of integration and cooperation levels between CIS countries, demands of additional efforts and resources for the interests’ balance search, elaboration of general agreements and its implementation accordingly. An establishment of sub-regional unions is a distinctive tendency of economic relations development. Thus the formation of organizations for consolidation of business communities from the countries- members of the these union, is to take place (EU, CIS, EAEC, APEC, BSEC etc). The relations of EU and CIS countries with the USA, China, India, Arab and Latin – American states have been evolving rapidly.
New situation in European Union and CIS demands of a more active contractual capacity, representation in international communication, a use of new forms of multilateral economic cooperation.
High dynamics of change of economic and political relations causes the countries’ pursuit to use interstate as well as other mechanisms for optimization of the consistent decision-making process. At the same time international non-governmental organizations are getting more essential, based on people’s democracy and free of bureaucratic and political barriers.
Moreover, under the conditions of contradictions within the integration groups as well as between business and government, the role of business circles’s non-governmental organizations are growing constantly. The organizations are to reveal the causes and sources of these contradictions, to smooth them over and to defend the interests of business, using tools of private and public partnership, and by cooperation with intergovernmental organizations on the international level.
The new edition of the Concept, though preserving the main Eurasian vector from EU to APEC, considers the necessity to enlarge the number of participants in the Dialogue till the BSEC countries, the Mediterranean and Latin America, while consolidating the collaboration with EU, CIS, EAEC and involving new members from EU countries, Asia and other mentioned regions.
A system of joint agreements and integration with business unions and associations of EU countries (BUSINESSEUROPE) and other similar business community organizations of these sub-regions are to fulfill this intention.
At the same time it is necessary to set direct relations, offering a membership in ICIE to national associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs of the mentioned sub-regions.
A worthy place in the work of the Congress have to belong to development of a common economic space of CIS and EAEC countries, which are interrelated and interdependent mostly in the economic sphere.
Generally, the new Conception of ICIE development will represent a combination of conceptual statements and a number of basic forms, methods and tools of its implementation.
Components of the ICIE conception of development
1. To fulfill a system analysis of world economic relations’ issues in general and monitoring of social and economic situation and conditions for business development and international business cooperation, first of all, in the countries, represented in the ICIE, with the participation of authoritative scientific, analytic and expert and consulting organizations and eminent experts, in order to elaborate recommendations for members of the international business collaboration for obstacles’ elimination.
Particularly, it is related to the legislative sphere, comparative analysis and harmonization of law enforcement practice legislation for the purpose of business cooperation development on different levels of subjects’ collaboration from direct economic relations to regional, MNE and intergovernmental. First of all, it concerns elaboration and introduction of model laws in CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.
2. Assistance in establishing of relations between national unions and realization of specific bilateral and multilateral projects, its marketing, complex support from reduction of project’s format to international standard, recommendations of reliable partners, searching of investment methods and other variants of its implementation. A creation of necessary mechanism and tools, including “club” forms of business circles’ communication.
3. Satisfaction of practical demands of national unions and its members on various questions, from organizing a research, market marketing in different business sectors, holding workshops, conferences, business negotiations, providing of stay, visa support etc. , using the potential of “Congress- Service” enterprise, created under the aegis of ICIE, and bank of constantly updated innovative and investment projects and programs on the basis of portal of telecommunication company “Adamant” (Kiev), and other ICIE partners as well as potentials of ICIE Committees and Commissions in various spheres.
4. Cooperation with international and sub-regional organizations, including UN and UNDP, UNIDO, WIPO as well as with economic and finance organizations of EU, CIS, EAEC, SCO, APEC, BSEC and its non- governmental international and sub-regional organizations of business communities. Activation of contacts and collaboration with international branch and functional organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, including European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry and ICSTI in order to jointly elaborate and implement specific projects and programs.
5. Intensified information providing initially by means of ICIE website, then the magazine “Business reporter” as well as the information concerning ICIE activity from other media sources. It’s also essential to cover discussions on present-day issues and to display practice of national units in different spheres. Moreover, publication of business applications of the “Business reporter”: projects, commercial spots, tax and other news.etc.
6. Optimization of ICIE institutional and management structure in order to complete a wide range of tasks, in particular: reinforcement of the central administrative office, advanced development of its structure and infrastructure, improvement of material and technical equipment and steady financing.
Opinions and suggestions were made during the Presidium session of ICIE on March 27, 2008 concerning ICIE activity in the modern situation with the adjunction of those that came until September 1 of this year in the Working group elaborating the revised version of ICIE Concept of development. These suggestions are proposed to draft the project of the Concept and plan of actions aimed at its realization after being considered during the Council session of the Congress:
Main business lines
– monitoring of following issues: tendencies of global fiscal system development, the form and ways of reforming of international monetary system as well as the elaboration of recommendations for ICIE member-organizations with account of the statements of the Modena Declaration, July 9, 2008;
– initiation of international projects, in particular, innovative ones since their implementation will create precedents how to solve out problem issues of cooperation;
– initiation, then technical, finance and lobbying support of formation projects of international transport corridors and transport systems as well as other infrastructure systems;
– spreading of high performance technologies and amplification of mutual investments within the limits of ICIE states;
– participation in forming such system of reduction of investment and innovative risks as a range of measures that includes insurance, confidential, public and informational arrangements as well as advertizing, consulting, certification. etc. These are all the measures that provide support for investment and innovative projects;
– elaboration of participation arrangements of industrial units of ICIE member-states in UN organization projects as well as in the projects presented by other international, state or regional, industrial and finance organizations;
– active application of potentials that national units – members of the Congress display in order to cooperate with international organizations and to broaden the geography of holding regional and interregional events;
– analyses of disputed situations and their influence on industrial and economic cooperation, in particular aimed at organizations of ICIE member-states and elaboration of recommendations concerning assistance in overcoming related negative tendencies;
– elaboration of new perspective forms of business communication regulation with account of regional specific features of the West and the East;
– assistance in the processes of technical regulation, the abolishment of technical barriers in trade sphere and implementation of basic global standard;
– international cooperation development in the sphere of innovative activities along with sharing of experiences in the field of both innovative entrepreneurship and innovative technologies;
– assistance in the workforce capacity training, particularly in the sphere of innovative activities along with the implementation of the international image program “Leaders of the XXI century”;
– lobbying of business participation in two-sided and many-sided interstate and intergovernmental commissions as well as in the large-scale international political events;
– following activities: conferences, forums, tradeshows, goal-oriented presentations, trade fairs, competitions, workshops, etc are to be held on an ongoing basis and use of computer-generated forms of running events;
– creation of the event management in the sphere of industrial and economic cooperation within ICIE limits;
– enlargement of communications and informal contacts within the bounds of business communities;
– ICIE participation in the events of the national organizations. Then, formation of centers of conceptual and strategic analysis in accordance with the mechanism and the plan of actions of the future Concept implementation in order to get ready the proposals that will solve out global economic problems and involve all the concerned parties;
– search for spheres of cooperation and business contacts among competitors;
– system formation of constant mutual marketing where all the Congress members shall aid enterprises to identify and extensively form the market outlet for certain production;
– formulation of proposals concerning ICIE structure development which includes the creation of special committee for cooperation with government bodies of ICIE member-states;
– arranging of sharing of cooperation experience when it comes to problem solving of business entity adaptation to dynamic environment of international legal regulation of economic relations;
– creation and running on a regular basis of reference material database concerning the activities of international organizations as well as providing the expert evaluation of its utility and applicability and setting on ICIE website;
– formation of informative communication and database system that will unite all the resources of national units and organizations cooperative with the Congress. This system is to be regarded as the Congress data collection that will include also the information databases of international economic organizations;
– provision ICIE members on a regular basis with information concerning plans of international organizations activities;
– participation in new structure forming of the international exhibition center on the territory of former Exhibition of Economic Achievements USSR, which is to say the creation under ICIE the International Business Cooperation Center;
– arranging of business journeys for delegations from states presented in ICIE to regions with the aim of their potential studying in order to develop trade and economic cooperation;
– competition organization under ICIE including such as best brand competition, innovative project competition, etc along with the winner reward scheme;
– reinforcement of interaction between the “Congress-Interservice” Ltd and CIS Business Center according to the program of cooperative activities;
– joining the system of International market entity certification and its workforce in order to support economic and chiefly investment processes, rise of capitalization and current and emerging competitiveness;
– arranging of sharing of specialist training experience in business management as well as the foundation of CIS Open University and the system of high technical schools under North-West State Technical University;
– network extension of ICIE representative offices in international organizations and regional business councils;
– usage of courts of arbitration based on international organizations of business circles and national courts of arbitration;
– preparations of “ICIE Club” concept aimed at leisure time arrangements and communication of businessmen;
– elaboration of mid-term activity program and annual activity plan of the Congress.