Main goals and objectives of the ICIE
- consolidation of efforts of public associations of industrialists, entrepreneurs, and commodity producers in implementation of economic policy that contributes to the development of industrial and business activity, establishment of mutually beneficial economic relations;
- promotion of economic and social development in countries, represented in the Congress through the activities of its member organizations;
- promotion of the establishment of a common economic space on the basis of united material and intellectual potentials of different countries with the aim of supporting their economic and social development;
- coordination of economic policies, implemented by ICIE members and interested organizations, that provides the establishment and functioning of market economic structures and mechanisms in countries, represented by ICIE members;
- rendering aid within the competence of the Congress in the establishment and development of business associations (enterprises) of different forms of property and management, in their adaptation to market economy conditions, industrial or commercial activity, in expansion of international relations with the aim of strengthening the economic and industrial potential of regions, where these associations and ICIE members function;
- active participation and provision of conditions for business development;
- assistance in development and determination of social partnership principles, free market mechanisms, elimination of irrelevant barriers for free movement of goods, services, capital and labour;
- development of contacts with other international associations of industrialists, entrepreneurs and scientists, representatives of social and cultural spheres;
- assistance in information exchange concerning management and legal legislation and practice of its implementation;
- legal protection of industrial and intellectual property, business interests of Congress members;
- participation in due course in preparation of international and intergovernmental agreements on economic, legal, ecological and social problems;
- assistance and rendering help in organizing mutually beneficial exchange of scientific and technical information, innovations, in using intellectual property;
- improvement of the level of business and professional qualification of managers, specialists and entrepreneurs by organizing exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other activities;
- cooperation in due course with state organizations and institutions in implementation of economical projects and programs, expertise and realization of state social and economic tasks, as well as the economic security sector;
- participation in due course in preparation of proposals for state legislative and executive bodies of different levels;
- assistance in development of scientific and industrial potential of separate regions;
- development and support of relations with social, cultural and research organizations, necessary for all-round strengthening of the cultural and educational level of entrepreneurs;
- development of the material, technical, social and cultural basis of the Congress, creation of the infrastructure for implementation of Charter objectives;
- accumulation of financial resources for modernization of Congress structures, material incentives and support of ICIE members that actively implement its projects and programs.